SETI Publications -- Harvard SETI Group -- chronological listing

(** primary ** publications indicated with asterisks)

** 1. A Search for Ultra-Narrowband Signals of Extraterrestrial Origin. Horowitz, P. Science, 201, 733 (1978). **

2. Chasing the Ultimate DX. Horowitz, P. CQ Magazine, 34, 46 (December, 1978).

** 3. Searching for Signals from Extraterrestrial Civilizations at "Magic Frequencies". Horowitz, P. The Planetary Report, 3, 2 (1983). **

4. Project Sentinel: Ultra-Narrowband SETI at Harvard/Smithsonian. Horowitz, P. and Forster, J., in IAU Symposium No. 112: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life. D. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland (1985).

5. The 8-Million Channel Narrowband Analyzer. Horowitz, P., Forster, J., and Linscott, I., in IAU Symposium No. 112: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life. D. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland (1985).

6. Ultra-narrowband SETI at Harvard/Smithsonian. Horowitz, P., in "The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence", ed. K. Kellermann and G. Seielstad, Green Bank Workshop Series No. 11, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, May, 1985.

** 7. SETI and the Planetary Society. Horowitz, P. The Planetary Report, 6, 17 (1986). **

** 8. Ultranarrowband Searches for Extraterrestrial Intelligence with Dedicated Signal-Processing Hardware. Horowitz, P. et al. Icarus, 67, 525 (1986). **

** 9. Eighteen Months of META. Horowitz, P. The Planetary Report, 7, 8 (1987). **

10. Interview with P. Horowitz (Chapter 20) in Swift, D.W., ed., "The SETI Pioneers". University of Arizona Press (1989).

11. The Harvard SETI Search. Horowitz, P. and Alschuler, W. R., in Bova, B. and Preiss, B., eds., "First Contact." New American Library, New York (1990).

12. Interview with P. Horowitz in "Mensch + Kosmos -- Expedition an die Grenze von Raum und Zeit," by R. Breuer, pp. 298ff, GEO - Gruner & Jahr, Hamburg (1990).

13. Interview with P. Horowitz in "The SETI Factor," by F. White, pp. 188ff, Walker & Co., New York (1990).

14. High-Resolution SETI: Experiences and Prospects. Horowitz, P. and Clubok, K. IAA-90-575, presented at the 41st Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, Dresden, Germany, Oct. 6-12, 1990 (published in Acta Astronautica, 26, 193 (1992)).

15. META and Beyond. Horowitz, P. presented at the Sunnyvale symposium commemorating 30 years of SETI, November 1990. in preparation for publication (1991)

** 16. Project META: What Have We Found? Horowitz, P. The Planetary Report, 13, 4 (1993). **

17. Five Years of META: Results of the Planetary Society's Search at Harvard. Horowitz, P. ASP Conference Series, 47, 291 (1993).

** 18. Five Years of Project META: An All-Sky Narrow-Band Radio Search for Extraterrestrial Signals. Horowitz P. and Sagan, C. Ap. J., 415, 218 (1993). **

19. Design of an L-Band Dual Feedhorn. Gimersky, M. and Horowitz, P. Radioengineering, 3, 2, pp. 1-4 (Prague, 1994).

20. The Radio Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Horowitz, P., in conf. proc. of ASC (MIT, June 1992). North Cambridge Press (1994).

21. Extraterrestrial Intelligence: The Search Programs. Horowitz, P., in Terzian, Y. and Bilson, E., eds, "Carl Sagan's Universe." Cambridge University Press (in press).

22. Millions and Billions: The META and BETA Searches at Harvard. Leigh, D. and Horowitz, P., in conf. proc. of 5th International Conference on Bioastronomy (IAU Colloquium 161), Capri, Italy, 1-5 July 1996.

23. Strategies, Implementation and Results of BETA. Leigh, D. and Horowitz, P., in conf. proc. of 6th International Conference on Bioastronomy (IAU Colloquium 161), Hawaii, August 1999 (in press).